Disclosure: We only recommend products we use, and all opinions expressed here are our own. The links below may be big scary affiliate links that are no additional cost to you. When you use our links, we may earn some extra beer money, but it won’t be enough for Phil’s ice cream habit or a batch of Stacy’s famous margaritas (recipe here).

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telescoping ladder

We like the space savings we get from this 12.5 foot, lightweight ladder. It makes cleaning the RV much easier, and it was a lifesaver with the solar install.

Rv Emergency Magnet

Not knowing this information could delay medical care. The RV emergency contact magnet will make sure you can quickly provide this info to emergency responders.

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screen door cross handle

This helps us close and open the screen door. You attach it where it suits your screen door the best.

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E6000 extreme tack

I use this glue to hold items in place as we travel. It is removable and has not damaged the countertop or table. This is REPOSITIONAL glue.

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Keep insects from getting into the heater elements and clogging them. This allows for proper ventilation while protecting the heater.

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The number one reason for motor burnout is stepping on the stairs while they are in motion. Use our code and save 10% on your order: ymrv10


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Keep those critters out of your furnace with these mesh covers. This allows for proper ventilation while protecting the heater.



We use the slap bracelets for our checklist. After writing the punch item on the bracelets, we slap them onto the steering wheel. It has worked out perfectly for us!


tire pressure gauge

I use this when airing up both the RV and Jeep tires. It tells me right away what my tire pressure is as I inflate to the proper psi.

TIS Merch

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Having these covers in the vent fans has helped us keep the RV cool on those very hot days. It also helps when you are trying to watch a movie during the day and want the whole RV dark..

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They protect the tires from UV rays but they fold very compact. They are lighter and take up less space than vinyl covers.

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eternabond roof SEALANT tape

If you have a rip in your roof, this is used as a quick fix. It is super sticky and will adhere to almost anything. It is also great on seams and cabling.

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vhb tape

VHB stands for Very High Bonding and it does just that. It bonds really fast. Once this is applied, you will have a hard time removing it.

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Reflectix Insulation

Install inside cabinets to help with insulate and keep the heat out. We attached it with a good VHB tape.

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rubber ties

We use these for hoses, extension cords, phone cords, just to name a few.


Roadside safety

Fire Extinguishers

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Guard a Key Lockbox

This is for our spare RV door key. Attach it to you RV frame just in case you are locked out.

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