Annual RV Maintenance Made Easy with a Free Download
Want your RV to maintain its value and keep everyone in it safe? One of the most important things you can do is annual RV maintenance on your rig. Preventing problems before they start or catching them early is the goal of RV maintenance. Besides, it is always cheaper to prevent the problem than to repair it.
Anyone Can Do It
If you just said, 'I don't know anything about annual RV maintenance.' Don't worry! We didn't know a thing either when we first started! If you want to know the truth, our knowledge went about as far as putting the key in the ignition and turning her on. But there are many resources online, including manufacturers that will walk you through your RV maintenance. All you need to do is jump in!
Maintenance for our Class A
Where To Start
RV Maintenance Manuals
The best place to start building your annual RV maintenance schedule is right in your rig. Literally! Grab that huge stack of manuals provided by your dealer and start flipping the pages. Hidden deep in those books are all the details for every system in your RV and what needs to be done monthly, quarterly, annually, or yearly. Grab a pen and start making your list. Be sure to include any parts, tools, or chemicals that might be needed.
If you are still unsure about making a maintenance schedule for your RV, take a peek at someone else's schedule. It might give you some insight into what you will be doing on a monthly or quarterly basis. But remember, RV maintenance schedules are not one size fits all! All RVs are not built the same and will have different appliances and systems, so our sample maintenance schedule may look very different from your own.
You may decide to do some of the items on your list more often than the manufacturer recommends. For example, Tiffin recommends the slide-out rubber seals be checked semi-annually, but we (meaning Phil) check and add 3-IN-ONE® RVcare Rubber Seal Conditioner monthly. Don't be afraid to maintain some components more often to protect your investment, especially if you live in your RV full time.
Phil created a maintenance spreadsheet for Ruby in excel. We are not professional mechanics or electricians, so it may not be perfect, but we will continue to do everything we can to take care of Ruby and protect ourselves while riding down the road.
Click the button below to download the spreadsheet for free. Then just change the systems to match your RV, and you’re all set.
If you don’t have your own version of Excel, don’t worry. You can use Google Sheets online for free. We hope this helps you to stay safe on the road and extend the life of your RV.
Meet Stacy! Stacy and her husband, Phil, are a wanderlust couple who have been roaming the great USA for an epic 5 years! They ditched the daily grind to embark on thrilling adventures and inspire fellow dreamers to chase their travel dreams. Curious about how they do it? Check out their awesome YouTube channel, Today is Someday, where they're spilling all the secrets to living a life on the move. Get ready to pack your bags and join them on this incredible journey.