Make it stand out

join the crew!

There are not enough words to express the kindness and caring in this club! It is hands down the best community. Join us and see for yourself.

2022 Someday Crew Gathering

Phil and Stacy announcing
crew members choosing teams
Phil hugging a crew member
crew members playing cornhole
crew getting ready to start scavenger hunt
crew sitting around campfire
phil and stacy with crew members
Crew in pavillion
crew members
4 women
crew meetup
You should be here


tier 1 benefits
tier 2 benefits
tier 3 benefits

Thank you to all who have served and continue to serve our country.

welcome to the someday crew

This is the place for true FRIENDSHIP!

Someday Crew Tier 1
Every month
Every year

Someday Crew Tier 2
Every month
Every year

Someday Crew Tier 3
Every month
Every year

Someday Crew Tier 4
Every month
Every year